



How important is the wellbeing of your employees? Here at Fit Squad DXB we believe that it should be the number one priority for any employer. Why? Because a healthier, happier team means enhanced productivity, a reduction in health costs and an increase in employee retention. Supplementing the healthcare packages you offer your employees with a wellness program will mean less sick days, improved team morale, as well as a healthier workforce in general .


Here at Fit Squad DXB, we take a holistic approach to corporate wellness, addressing health on multiple levels and approaching wellness through varied and stimulating activities. We make sure our strategy is fully inclusive of all employees, taking into account emotional wellbeing, mental health and financial wellness, the three areas that continuously resurface in research as being the drivers of anxiety and stress, and in turn leading to poor results at work.

With unhealthy lifestyle choices leading to chronic diseases, healthcare costs for employers are on the rise, costing businesses millions in lost productivity. Promoting healthier behaviours can be a huge benefit to your business. Engagement, motivation, support and strategy are key drivers to any successful program and at Fit Squad DXB we use these four pillars to execute an effective program that will ensure employee participation using unique and dynamic approaches. We offer team building events, tailored workshops and longer term programs with our experienced fitness, nutrition and coaching experts.  


Our wellness offerings include:

  • Onsite and offsite fitness activities including group exercise, personal training sessions and boot camps
  • Specialist workshops on topics such as work/life balance, emotional intelligence and financial wellness
  • Group meditation and one-on-one meditation classes
  • On-site and off-site team building activities
  • 'Lunch and Learn' workshops on subjects including nutrition, fitness and mental well-being
  • Life coaching sessions
  • Health assessments
  • Continued subsidised personal training and nutrition plans for employees 


If you are ready to make your work place a healthier and more productive environment get in touch by calling us on +971 55 542 7231, emailing us at, or fill in the quick form below: