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Top 5 Teas to help you on your fitness journey

Don't underestimate the power of a good cuppa, not only is it refreshing, it really can make a difference in the way you look and feel. Here's the top five reasons why you should grab yourself a brew…


Want to lose fat and feel great? Green tea is for you. There are molecules in green tea called catechins, not only are they antioxidants but they also help reduce the body’s adipose tissue by triggering the release of fat from fat cells then speed up the liver’s capacity for turning that fat into energy. Green tea also increases the health of your heart and eyesight, it’s a no brainer when it comes to putting the kettle on, it’s the number one tea to assist you in achieving that dream body. 


There's a long list of health benefits that come with consuming ginger, one major benefit is that it will sort you out at the times you're laying on the sofa with every muscle in your bloody aching. Ginger is the perfect anti-inflammatory for sore inflamed muscles after that extra hard workout. It can work just as effectively as your usual aspirin fix, so why wouldn't you go natural instead? It will also help to improve any gastrointestinal inflammation you may have.



This is a tea that has endless benefits: the ability to stimulate the mind, reduce stress, prevent ageing, increase sexual potency, help with fat loss, manage diabetes, ease menstrual discomfort, boost hair health, and protect the skin – WOW! Get a mug immediately! An excellent time to add ginseng to your routine is whilst trying to stick to a healthy diet because of it's ability to suppress appetite, it can help with cravings and reduce cheating or snacking.


This is very similar to your average black (builders) tea but has been fermented for slightly less time, which in turn has increased the amount of caffeine by up to 30%. This will give you that extra boost for your training session, making it the perfect tea to drink pre-workout because it can actually help burn slightly more calories. Oolong also activates an enzyme in the body that is responsible for dissolving triglycerides (the form of dietary fat that’s stored in fat cells). Say hello to oolong, and so long to your regular builder’s brew!



This lesser known tea is not to be underestimated, especially if you’re looking for help in the fast loss department. White tea blocks the formation of new fat cells while simultaneously boosting lipolysis – the body’s process of breaking down stored fat. Similarly to green tea, it contains catechins, the antioxidant that speeds up the liver’s ability to turn fat into energy. 

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